Arrived in Europe!


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Whoo wordpress! 😀 I wanted a way to just record my travels, without all my rants and reblogs -coughTumblrcough-, so here I am! Hehe. Yes, that was my “hello world” thing lulz.

Anyways! Praise God, he has brought me safely to Europe<3 Can’t believe I’m really here!! It feels so different here than the US. Everything’s clean, everything’s smaller-proportioned (and slimmer), the roads are so wind-y (lots of turns EVERYWHERE), umm what else…Reminds me a bit of Japan, and downtowns back at home. Public transportation is so much fun (unlinke BART..)…in short, I love it here already.<3

My trip had a bit of a rocky start actually. The plane was delayed by an hour and a half, and then I ended up waiting in front of the wrong gate (like an idiot. If it’s boarding time and the plane isn’t even there yet…you should know something’s wrong and just check your ticket..don’t be lazy >.<), so I was the third to last person to board. I ran to the correct gate right after they announced last call, LOL. And of course they knew who I was; the other two people traveling were probably a couple, and they had trouble with their luggage. Haha..

Took KLM. It definitely felt a good deal cramp-y-er than SQ, and the blanket wasn’t as nice. Food was meh just food. Watched Salt (which was quite confusing), and for the first time, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, and Community (Marnie, if you’re reading this, I watched it because of your spazzing LOL). Also Desperate Housewives. Obviously, I don’t watch much TV. Friends made me laugh the most xD I was also pleased to find they had a KPop radio channel; the first song was IU’s …Time? You and Me? Something like that. I really like it actually! So I had that stuck in my head when I walked out of the plane…

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I’m not freaking out as much about being in Europe as I thought I would. (I wonder if I just take traveling for granted..? :C) Walked around the airport while waiting for Ci Adeline to come pick me up! Things are so expensive here; I waited at Starbucks, and the prices use the same numbers as in the US, only….it’s in Euros. Actually, a tall coffee was 2.50 o’____’o Sumatra blend though, which I haven’t seen in an American Starbucks yet. (I’ve had it at Peets though) Sumatra coffee is delicious. No bias of course. (Sumatra is an island in Indo, my mom was from there!)

Ci Adeline arrived soon after, and we headed to the train (metro?) – just barely made it! I was so excited to see it (used to BART and all), I think the train door guy was amused…Aaahhh kampungan! xD;; Got off and got on a tram (nearly fell several times before Ci Adeline suggested actually holding on to the bars…downside of windy roads D; )which looked scarily skinny from the front, but was roomy enough on the inside. Reached Ci Adeline’s (town?) house, where I am currently using her laptop :3 It’s really nice. Small, but I really like it. Like I said, it reminds me of Japan a bit! Only Kana/Yuka’s house was definitely still much bigger…xD It’s definitely much different from living in a big house like in the US. But like I said, I like it here. ^^ I love the architecture, especially the windowsill hehe. I’d like to upload pictures but I don’t know how to use Macs, and we’re about to go out! Mau jalan2 hehe. Pictures will be up eventually though, either here or Facebook! C: